Well-Trained Dogs Can Do More: Human Knowledge Assessment /10 Created by Tena Parker Well-Trained Dogs Can Do More Human Knowledge Assessement This quiz is required prior to earning your Well-Trained Dog Level 1 certificate. 1 / 10 1. My dog used to love going to the dog park and day care but he has started to have conflict with a couple particular dogs, is this normal? A. No, all dogs should love to play with all other dogs. B. No, if a dog was social as a young dog, they will remain social their entire lives C. Yes, it is normal social development for a dog's sociability towards other dogs to change as they mature. Dogs who used to love everyone may, as adults, only like their friends and that's ok. D. Yes, your dog was probably bullied or attacked by these other dogs and so they've had bad experiences with them. Those bad experiences have caused them to dislike those dogs. 2 / 10 2. Although most vaccines (though not all) are good for 3 years, how often is it recommended you take an otherwise healthy dog into the veterinarian. A. Once a year B. Once every other year C. Once every three years D. Only if they need medical care 3 / 10 3. What's the most appropriate way to greet an unfamiliar dog? A. Face the dog, make your hand into a fist, present the fist towards that dog's nose, let them sniff you, and then pet them B. Face the dog, look them in their eyes, talk softly to them, walk toward them with your hand extended, and pet them when you can reach them C. Stand sideways, bend over at the waist, extend your hand towards the dog, D. Stand sideways, briefly talk softly to invite interaction, allow the dog to approach you and sniff, present your hands near your body to let them initiate contact 4 / 10 4. How often should you do a thorough body exam on your dog to check for lumps, bumps, injuries, nails too long, ticks, and fleas A. Once a month B. Twice a year C. Once a year D. Every other year 5 / 10 5. If your dog is in a new place and they have their tail tucked tightly between their legs, their ears pinned back, their body stiff, they are panting, and they are frantically scanning the environment, what is your dog likely feeling? A. My dog is happily exploring this environment B. My dog is very excited by something in this environment C. My dog is nervous and uncomfortable in this environment D. My dog is agitated by something in the envrionment 6 / 10 6. Which of the following IS a strategy for an initial behavior plan if your dog is doing an unwanted behavior? A. Environmental Management--Change the environment or set up so they cannot do the unwanted behavior B. Reduce your Reinforcement--reward fewer successful repetitions of the desired behavior C. Proofing the Behavior--increase the difficulty that your dog can be successful 7 / 10 7. Should you and/or how should you interact with your dog if they are panicking about something like fireworks or thunder? A. You should not interact with your dog if they are behaving fearfully because you can reinforce the fear B. You should interact by firmly telling them to stop the panicked behavior C. You should seek your dog out and lure them out of their hiding spot with treats D. You should reassure your dog calmly, and if they are seeking you out, give them calm affection or a long-lasting chew to work on 8 / 10 8. What thing should I do if my dog is acting nervous around a person that I want them to interact with? A. You should use treats to lure the dog closer to the person B. You should have the person lure the dog closer and take treats from their hand C. You should encourage the dog away from the person and give the dog some treats at a distance until they settle down D. You should hold your dog still and let the person pet them gently 9 / 10 9. Which of the following should be part of your dog's daily life for them to have a high quality of life and have their needs met? A. Physical Exercise like a walk, a hike, free running in a yard or park B. Social Interaction with you like a training session, pets and cuddles, playing games together, personal play C. Mental enrichment like stuffed kongs, puzzle toys, kibble dispensing balls, scavenging activities D. All of the above are important daily activities 10 / 10 10. What is the benefit to clicker training or marker training (like using the word "yes" to identify correct behavior)? A. Using a click or a "yes" allows the trainer to help the dog identify what behavior is earning the reward B. Using a click or a "yes" allows the treat to be slightly delayed while still making it easy for the dog to figure out the correct behavior C. Using a click or a "yes" is a communication system that makes it easier for multiple people to work with the same dog D. All of the above Please provide the information below so we can send you the certificate! NameEmail Your score is 0% Restart quiz