Tena’s Service Area
Starting in 2024 Tena will almost exclusively see students at the training center, training room, or virtually. She will continue to offer in-public training sessions for reactive dogs who are working on their ability to cope in the world and will occassionally offer to do an in-home session for a team where this will signficantly benefit their work, but will not offer in-home packages.
This was not an easy decision to come to but it’s ultimately better for everyone because of these big reasons…

Shorten the wait time for everyone!
Tena can see 2-3 extra appointments per day when she’s working out of the training center because she isn’t driving for hours every day. In the years prior to COVID, the wait time for a consult was often 10-14 weeks but since working out of the center, it’s closer to 6-8weeks typically, which is far more appropriate.
Safety for Tena and your pooch!
Tena regularly works with dogs who are aggressive towards unfamiliar people. Seeing these dogs at the training center gives them ample space to avoid her and avoid conflict. The dogs are less stressed than if she came into their home and less likely to become aggressive. Although there are always a safety protocol in place, there had been a few close calls over the years with dogs breaking through barriers because they were so upset at her presence. We don’t want to to get bitten, but we also don’t want to be the bite that causes a dog to get themselves or their owners in hot water.

More opportunities for Tena to observe your dog!
Prior to COVID, when Tena saw aggressive dogs in their home for a consult, the safety protocol meant the dog was crated or put away for the consult and only some were settled enough to come out at the end to do a meet and greet. The safety protocol also had the dog put away for the first few minutes of our training sessions so we could get up to speed. While working from the center, she can observe your dog for the entire consult and while she catches up with the owners during the first few minutes of a session.
More Effective Training!
Dogs were regularly rather upset by Tena’s presence in their home and would be really worked up initially. Being that stressed slowed down the training process because stressed dogs don’t learn as effectively. Dogs working at the training center are far less bothered by Tena and are less stressed out, so they learn far more effectively.