Spotty Day!

Shayne and Rio had a fantastic adventure the other day with one of their good buddy’s, Doc the dalmatian.  The three were fantastic together even though it had been about 9 months since they all hung out.  We were missing the second spotty, Delta, but they were a lovely group.
There was not a single snarky or concerning moment the whole afternoon which was fantastic!  I think Shayne and Rio really like Doc and they seem to trust each other.

All three pups hop up onto the flat bed trailer for a quick photo!

All three pups hop up onto the flat bed trailer for a quick photo!

Shayne, Rio, and Doc all taking a bit of a break near the end of our adventure

Shayne, Rio, and Doc all taking a bit of a break near the end of our adventure

Doc Doc ruuunning and getting to stretch his legs

Doc Doc ruuunning and getting to stretch his legs

all three pups exploring together!

all three pups exploring together!

Doc and Shayne pause for a photo op.

Doc and Shayne pause for a photo op.

Shayne was rolling in the grass and rolled right into Doc :)

Shayne was rolling in the grass and rolled right into Doc 🙂

Rio and Doc about to start a game of chase

Rio and Doc about to start a game of chase

Doc begging for it to end!  He's not used to having to run like this :)

Doc begging for it to end! He’s not used to having to run like this 🙂