Can’t get enough of Success Just Clicks training information from the blog? Well, it just so happens that you can now sign up for our quarterly newsletter to get even more information.
Each of our newsletters feature 2-4 articles about training, future events, or other dog-related topics (that will not be posted on the blog), our upcoming class schedule, information about scheduled events, recent graduates and any specials or deals for training or equipment. The newsletter keeps our readers who are in the Pittsburgh area up to date on lots of local events and classes but also features articles that are not location specific.
Our newsletters only come out 4 times a year… so it’s only 4 extra emails a year–we will not bombard you with spam and we never compromise the privacy of our contacts list. It’s super easy to sign up and you can always unsubscribe.
So, if you are interested in signing up for a little more SJC in your life, follow these 3 easy steps.
1. Fill out the form below (selecting how you’d like the email to appear–plain text, html, or mobile)
2. You will get a confirmation email that you need to click on the link saying you are interested in receiving our newsletter
3. Enjoy 4 extra bits of Success Just Clicks each year