Congratulations Graduates!
We are really excited to announce our two newest Bachelor Degree graduates! Maggie B.A. and Lainie B.A. have worked extremely hard over the last year in several different classes to finally get to this stepping stone goal!
Both of these pooches started with me in a Teen Time class when they were youngsters and with the dedication of their guardians, they worked their way up through various classes until they were ready for the B.A. test. I was super excited when both dogs passed their B.A. with honors, each performing two bonus tricks!
Maggie B.A. is a young lab-mix who was a rockstar in my teen class under the guidance of her handlers. She breezed through the Teen Time curriculum, picking things up beautifully. She had a bit of a rough go of it for a month or two during her adolescence but her handlers really worked through it and kept her on the right path, even if it was a bit of a challenge at times. Through it all she was always happy and bouncy (with moments of being a bit too happy, bouncy, and totally distracted). We are so excited that Maggie and her handlers have kept working and are seeing some great progress with her in the real world, not just in the classroom! Nice work Maggie and her handlers John and Kate!!

Lainie B.A. with her handler Kimm! I wish I had a better photo, Lainie never looks this serious about anything, ever.
Lainie B.A. is a young lab/pitbull/?? mix who has come such a long way over the handful of classes she’s taken with me. She is a high energy dog who has been working a lot on impulse control–particularly with keeping all 4 feet on the floor. When I first met Lainie in class, I think I was mauled with love and body slammed on a weekly basis by Lainie who wanted nothing more than to say hi. Over the course of classes she’s improved so much that I don’t even recall the last time I was body slammed and can only remember 1 time where I was momentarily jumped on in the last few months of classes!! All of the hard work that Lainie’s handler has put into training was recently commented on by family who were visiting her house for a celebration. They all commented on how much Lainie had improved since their last visit! Good Job Lainie and her handler, Kimm!