(Mostly Archived)
It's all in the mechanics…
I know I've said it before, "It's all in the time and effort you put into the training" and as much as I do believe it... there's something that has to be said about how we do our training. I'm not just talking about the training philosophy one has, though I do think...
A favorite toy…
It's a really ridiculous name, but the "Pooch Ball" is a long-term favorite toy in my house. It seems to find its way to the surface of the toy box every few months and today Chase found it when I rotated the toys around. This was one of Rio's favorite toys as a...
Meet Chase video
Chase's neuter went really well yesterday. He came home pretty alert and had an appetite with no vomiting. He was clearly not quite himself since he was extra cuddly and not terribly interested in anything but cuddling. He settled in his crate not quite as smoothly...
Building focus
I am frequently asked the question about how to deal with a dog who doesn't acknowledge that there is a handler at the end of the leash when outside. It takes patience, cheese/chicken/hotdogs, a clicker, and time. It's actually pretty simple, but it does take time. ...
Adventures in Fostering–week 2
Well we are two days into week two and Chase has graduated to being in the crate in the living room with us during the day! He will likely be heavily crated for about another week During the first week with me, Chase spent his time in three places... out in the yard,...
Home Page Test
Testing the posting ability of the php code to reveal the most recent post on the home page. Testing the posting ability of the php code to reveal the most recent post on the home page.
Adventures in Fostering … neuter day!
Alright, I'm ALMOST caught up on all the work I had to do (it would make sense that about 4 days sick would result in a 4 day back-log). Still not enough time for a proper post but a quick update on the little monster. I am struggling to teach Chase his name. Who...
Wordless Wednesday–spotties
Feeling a bit better–important info
I'm feeling a bit better but found myself behind in a lot of work so you'll have to enjoy a preview of my wordless wednesday post. Also, my new design is getting closer and closer to being finished. We will be moving this blog to the new "home" in the near future. ...
Ugh… no fun
Hey everyone, I've been quite under the weather since Friday and am still not really feeling very good (I've found myself in bed by 10pm every night--which is extremely atypical). So, no meaningful post for today. Until I feel better, I'll entertain you with funny a...