
(Mostly Archived)

You Don't Have To…

"I was told that a choke chain was the only way to control such a big dog." "That's surprising, the rescue said that we should get a choke chain because that's what any training class would use." "My trainer said that was the only way to deal with my dog's...

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Wordless Wednesday–Rio and Meika

SJC blog will return with REAL posts next week! I a dog hair in my eye the other day and it got really irritated while trying to remove the foreign object. Now my eye is all red/inflamed/irritated and it's difficult to type/work on my computer. So, I'm taking the next...

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Rio's Done It Again

This past weekend Rio did some agility demonstrations at a local "Bark For Life" fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. In between agility demos, he got to play some frisbee in a GORGEOUS park on the North Shore of Pittsburgh with the city skyline on one side and...

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New "Ready To Tug" toys

I've been really negligent with updating my ready-to-tug toys but no longer! Finally sat down and took photos of what is left of my Ready To Tugs. I'll be making more as soon as I can reclaim my table from all of our seedlings 🙂 In the mean time, here are six tugs...

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Easter Bunnies

I'm sure that I'm preaching to the choir but I wanted to make sure that I addressed this in the blog. It is a very common theme for parents to buy their children bunnies, ducklings, or chicks as a way to celebrate the Easter holiday. If the family has thoroughly...

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Old Doesn't Necessarily Mean Mature

A few weeks ago I mentioned that my next investment would be child locks. Well, I bought the locks but haven't put them on yet and was certainly punished for my procrastination tonight. I was working on some emails for students when I hear this *THMP* noise from the...

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Living With Reactive Dogs–home improvements

As many of you know, I've been fighting an up hill battle in my house of curbing fence fighting/reactive behavior from all three dogs. Shayne and Rio, after lots of hard work, are now easily called off of the undesirable behavior. They still choose to partake in said...

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We're in the paper!

Last week I posted a link to the online version of the newspaper article that Rio and I were featured in (Click here for that article). Well I was finally able to get a copy of the newspaper copy of the article and was surprised to see a REALLY cute photo of Rio and...

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The Kitchen Sink

Lots of information and tidbits in today's post. First, Rio's got 12 weaves!! It didn't take but 3 approximations before it clicked and he understood his job for the 12 poles. We started with a few repetitions of the two sets of six poles being about 6ft apart and he...

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Nearly Wordless Wednesday–Rio Edition

Just wanted to thank everyone for the emails and comments of support about yesterday's blog. It's really quite appreciated! Now, on to a set of photos for Wordless Wednesday that I hope you all love. Next Wordless Wednesday will be devoted to Shayne but for today......

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