Advanced Manners
and C.G.C classes

To see our current class schedule or to register for class…

High School

two people shake hands while dogs sit next to them
For dogs over 6 months old 

This is our Canine Good Citizen prep class.  This is a 7 week class with the CGC test as week 7.  Students may officially take the test on week 7 or do a mock test.

We will specifically work on all of the skills covered in the C.G.C. test and work on teaching teams to be successful.

Since the test rules do not allow for treats, some dogs will benefit taking this class twice–once to master the skills with treats, and once to transition to sequencing the skills together with no treats

Dogs must be comfortable in a group class with dogs in close proximity and dogs must have taken Middle School manners or, with permission, a similar class elsewhere.

Canine Good Citizen Skills

♦ Accept a friendly stranger

♦ Sitting politely for petting

♦ Appearance and grooming (exam/handling)

♦ Walk on a loose leash

♦ Walk through a crowd

♦ Sit, Down, and Stay

♦ Come when called

♦ Reaction to another dog

♦Reaction to distraction

♦ Supervised separation

Bachelor’s Degree

For dogs 9 months and older

Take your basic manners to the very next level in this class!

The skills taught in this class are the life skills that we want all of our doggie students to have as a solid foundation and at a level that is actually helpful in the real world.  These are skills that help make the doggie graduates easy companions who can navigate the human society with ease.

This class was previoussly run as part of the Canine Life And Social Skills program, which has recently shut down.  We kept the class because we liked the skills so much but since there is no bigger program anymore, we have made some changes that we’ve always wanted to see in the program!

Bachelor’s Degree Skills

♦ Wait at doors

♦ Loose Leash Walking

♦ Leave it

♦ Settle on a mat

♦ Come when called

♦ Stay

♦ Politely accept a stranger

♦ Stay

♦ Wait for the food bowl

♦ Drop and Give

Dogs must be comfortable in a group class and must have passed High School or Middle School with permission (or similar class with permission).

Upcoming Advanced Manners Classes