I am totally and completely against resolutions… I don’t think I have ever even made a resolution. Perhaps it’s simply an issue with the word resolution and my never ending conflict with semantics. Given that some 80% of resolutions are broken within a month of them being made, it seems that the makers really aren’t terribly resolute. I also think it sets people up for failure… if you make a resolution to stop drinking, does one drink mean you have broken the resolution? Or should it be the culmination of a year’s worth of work towards not drinking? Unfortunately many people, I think, feel the former is true.. that if you stray once in your resolution that you have failed and so they give up.
For those reasons, I much prefer to set year-long goals. If my goal for the year is to stop drinking, my efforts aren’t going to be crushed if I have a drink or two or three, if ultimately, by the end of the year I have reached my goal of no longer drinking.
So, my goals for the year 2011 (in no particular order):
*To get Shayne her CGC…
*Continue to socialize Shayne and Rio with many new dogs and work on Shayne’s social skills
*Take Rio and Shayne to more dog-friendly stores to work on ‘store manners’ (for Rio)
*Teach Rio how to relax outside at a restaurant–Shayne is a pro
*Build a more solid foundation for agility with both dogs
*By the end of the year I want to train several new multi-step tricks for the dogs
*Train a new trick each week
Personal goals
*Continue to write 3-5 blogs per week
*Offer several new training classes at the local humane society
*Continue to make and sell my Tugs By Tena … tug toys
*Make sure I take some time for ME
*Cuddle the dogs more often….whether they want to cuddle or not!!!! 🙂
Happy New Year from all of us! May you reach all the resolutions/promises/goals/bullet points/etc you set for this year!!