by Tena Parker | Jun 17, 2011 | Blogs, Uncategorized
Alright, as promised, today we are going to chit chat a bit about how to photograph our canine (and feline) pals. This is going to be rather condensed but it should give you a fair number of tips. First tip is that although I will mention “rules,” ...
by Tena Parker | Jun 16, 2011 | Blogs, Uncategorized
To take or not to take, that is the question. Rio consistently answers that as a “not to take.” Two weekends ago I took Rio to the Pittsburgh Art’s Festival. It was opening weekend and the weather was absolutely gorgeous (which is rare) so it was...
by Tena Parker | Jun 15, 2011 | "How To...", Behavior Modification, General Dog Care, Uncategorized
Sit for dinner, sit to open the door, lay down for pets, touch for access to the porch, spin to throw the ball, etc. Nothing in Life is/for Free (NILF) is a work to earn type protocol–dogs must work for everything except for water. Many people who are into...
by Tena Parker | Jun 14, 2011 | Blogs, Uncategorized
Alright, it’s been months since Tugs By Tena offered a contest. Last time it was on Facebook, but this time around it’s going to be focused on the blog. I think tug toys are amazing and so much fun. They are crazy versatile items if you have a dog who is...
by Tena Parker | Jun 13, 2011 | Blogs, Uncategorized
For years I have been so very perplexed by Shayne. She was never really reactive in the typical sense of having some big display at the sight of another dog. She wasn’t aggressive toward other dogs and has never hurt another dog besides a few incidental nicks...