But it's too cold….

“I have a 9 month old [insert high drive, high energy breed here… let’s call it a German Shorthaired Pointer] GSP.  I walk him 2 miles most days and sometimes go to the park.  I don’t know what do do anymore, even if I walk him 2 miles he is...

Relate your way to canine sports…

At the end of November, I enrolled Rio in an beginners agility class with a friend and colleague and signed Shayne up for a Rally-O class with her as well.  I wanted to give them both something to do during the frisbee ‘off-season’ and I wanted to continue...

No sleep for the weary!

I had no intention of posting a blog today (hence the late post) but I woke up… inspired…. to post a little tidbit. There are days I wake up completely perplexed about my status in my own house.  Let’s recap for a moment, very briefly, some aspects...

Tug your way to a retrieve!

“I’d love to play but he never brings it back.” “How can do I teach him to retrieve, he’ll chase but then that’s it.” I frequently hear complaints about dogs having no concept of a retrieve.  Now, there are TONS of ways to...

A favorite and comical past time…

I am a huge advocate of the saying, “a tired dog is a good dog.”  I think dogs are often under stimulated and under exercised.  These two factors can lead to dogs with any number of negative behaviors.  The last few weeks have been really tough for me and...